Card #93 – ”Sell, Sell, Sell”

Card #93 – ”Sell, Sell, Sell” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

“It’s not creative unless it sells,” goes the advertising line.

Many ideas require the investment of other people’s time, resources, and commitment. You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if you can’t sell it, you won’t get very far.

Ask yourself:

“What is there about my idea that will attract people’s interest to it?

“What might make this idea

One of my favorite ways to sell an idea or a product is to emphasize not the product itself, but rather “the product of the product.”

By selling the “product of the product,” you put the idea in a context the potential buyer understands and desires. A classic example of this is Charles Revson, one of the founders of Revlon.

At a dinner party, a lady asked Revson what his product was. He replied:

“My dear lady, on the factory floors, our product is cosmetics, but in the department stores, our product is hope.”

One final point: “Close the sale.” A few ideas will sell themselves. But most of the time, you’ll have to ask for the business.

Don’t be bashful! If your idea is as good as you think it is, you can be confident that it will benefit the person buying it. Go ahead: “close the sale.”

— How can you make your idea more attractive to other people?

— What is the “product of your product”?

— What benefits and opportunities does your idea hold for others?

— Are you “closing” the sale?

— How persistent are you?

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