Card #10 – ”Try A Random Idea”

Card #10 – ”Try A Random Idea” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

There once was an Indian medicine man who made hunting maps for his tribe. Whenever game got sparse, he’d put a piece of fresh leather in the sun to dry. Then he’d fold and twist it in his hands, say a few prayers over it, and then smooth it out.

The rawhide was now etched with lines. He then marked some reference points on the rawhide, and — presto! — a new game map was created. When the hunters followed the map’s newly defined trails, they usually discovered abundant game.

Moral: By letting the rawhide’s random folds represent trails, he pointed the hunters to places they had not looked.

Since we tend to use the same-problem solving approaches repeatedly, we usually come up with the same answers. Random information can force us to look at our problems in new ways.

— Open your mind up to things that have nothing in common with your current situation.

• Pick out the 13th word of page 247 of your dictionary. How does it relate to what you’re doing?

• Look out your window and find the first thing that has blue in it. How would it help solve your problem?

• Open the obituary section from your newspaper and read the first two “obits.” What can you apply to your situation from these people’s lives? What random ideas can you connect to a current problem?

— Pick a word at random from the following list.
How does it relate to what you’re doing?

maze anvil bait balloon nail key organ skin zone pump parachute program quilt rag powder harbor vertebra glue hair raft lode ruler kitchen robot valley plate mountain needle violin pacemaker soap pen knife piano planet pocket dung radar halo rubber saddle cup school ship road ball zoo trigger cloud chord chain cannon caldron man woman crystal channel copy cycle plow egg hook drain drum tree bomb wing furniture fungus fork fog flood guitar flag treasure water well girdle glue hair template mirror camera wedge wave sandpaper chessboard desert crown clock cinema food cave staircase network bridge water dust eraser statue net gate pump broom bottleneck ratchet-wheel glacier funhouse fossil block food flower floor antenna god guillotine bee plug blanket funnel book brain brakes booby-trap cesspool cell cancer weed buffer toilet television spring tub compass circle code web dress current detour ear button face factory fairy fan farm feather fertilizer field finger engine floodlight sandwich treasure cup umbrella spectrum template forge adult dope color hole bottle bird trap foot fly foam game garden gear ghost glass graph gun gutter bruise bug circus hammerhead heart family blister acid candy chorus springboard fire film festival fence fish eye drill body die spotlight frame glove hand song grave lever sphere square sun table tool trail vent vegetable soup spiral shaft market torpedo thermometer ticket vacuum triangle train torch sword weirdness telescope target spear sponge stomach memory spectrum telephone tapestry kaleidoscope car stove skeleton room treadmill oven filter root temple window star typewriter seed bed fountain armor battery molecule purse library fruit water air earth money spice bell rock album robot farm weapon bank tide bag computer army diamond altar tunnel amoeba anvil bait bible hinge image junk knot sex match manual liquid leg lamp algebra alphabet menu prison monster nest nut opium page parasite pendulum microscope radio puzzle prism port ring pod satellite pill pepper rainbow rudder safe sauce saloon shadow shovel smoke rash horizon mattress map machine lock lever landslide ladder index key ice meteor mist moon music net ocean sphere paint passport perfume river rope pipe plant pond pore prison pyramid record rope rug sand saw screw shell signature herb hose icon horoscope star meat march magnet lode vise nail meter missile motor organ nose onion palette pebble script shoe siren house lightning bridge network eraser laser lens milk mask medal thunder bomb fungus fog soap kite music prison blister toilet pill lode ramp saddle vulture water dust gear blanket garden song rug hook pen knife fork rash weed scale loom rubber hinge ladle landslide lever lock machine mattress copy umbrella hair template farm crystal fossil wedge wave torch root window battery lever keys sponge stomach memory spectrum telephone tapestry kaleidoscope car stove skeleton room treadmill oven filter root temple window star typewriter seed bed fountain armor gutter bruise bug circus hammer head heart family blister acid candy chorus parachute template mountain needle violin pacemaker soap pen knife piano planet pocket dung powder pump radar halo rubber saddle cup school ship road ball rudder safe sauce saloon shadow shovel smoke lamp leg ocean muscle cycle meteor funnel fork rain loans fly dust oven temple star typewriter weapon machine pendulum path objective pool onion treasure fog camera fungus candy shovel torpedo knife planet life stone shell chapter classroom dump robot farm weapon bank tide bag computer army diamond altar tunnel amoeba valley plate sandwich treasure cup stove skeleton room treadmill oven filter root temple window star typewriter seed bed foam game garden gear ghost glass graph gun gutter bruise bug circus hammer head sea herb gangster partner square halo nerd trend computer guerrilla copy tomb womb comb broom thumb finger footprint palm lotus blossom fool window carpet luck dictionary parasite trashcan door button smudge pimple horseshoe pen thorn suitcase desktop appliance car oracle crown clock cinema food cave staircase network parachute template mountain needle violin pacemaker soap pen knife piano planet pocket dung meat puzzle tunnel amoeba eyeball ear wedge dung meteor oven powder umbrella magic duality partner game wave fork wristwatch keys blister crystal moon music net ocean sphere watch ear lever lock machine weapon mattress oracle pendulum path objective pool landslide lever lock machine mattress copy umbrella

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