Card #26 – ”Keep Playing With It”

Card #26 – ”Keep Playing With It” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

My credo: “Necessity may be the mother of invention, but play is certainly the father.”

When you play with a problem, you lubricate the creative process. You try one thing and then another, and have no fear of being penalized.

Your defenses are down, and you have little concern with the rules or being wrong. You ask “what if” and “why not,” and put things in different contexts, and look at them backwards and upside down.

Eventually you may come up with a worthwhile idea.

The first person who looked at an oyster and thought “food”did this.

So did the first person who looked at bacterial mold and thought
and the first to look at internet search queries and think “advertising medium.”

— How can you play with a current problem? What can you add, remove, invert, or substitute?

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