Card #52 – ”What’s out of Whack”

Card #52 – ”What’s out of Whack” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Be critical and sense out of whack with your issue.

There’s a lot of crap, hype, pretense, and hypocrisy all around us — and you need to cut through it. Therefore, get a sense of what doesn’t feel right about the idea.

Scrutinize it carefully. Will it give you the result you want? What doesn’t make sense? What could be improved? What’s the downside?

Remember: you don’t want to put a piece of garbage out in the world with your name on it.

— Why won’t the idea work?

— What’s it lacking?

— What doesn’t stand up to scrutiny?

Tip: Be cautious.

When we change things, forces can be set in motion that can lead to undesirable results. For example:

• Tinkering with the wording of a classic advertising slogan can cause sales to decline.

• Altering the dynamics of a marriage can cause a spouse to leave.

• Reforming the compensation system of the military can force the army to revolt.

It is important to think through the potential consequences of our actions.

— What bad things might happen if you implement this idea?

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