Card #68 – ”Check Your Timing”

Card #68 – ”Check Your Timing” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

With most things in life, timing is essential.

For example, wearing a bathing suit when you go to the beach makes sense; wearing a bath-ing suit when you meet the President makes the Secret Service uneasy.

Similarly, Winston Churchill would have been a terrible leader for the depression-wracked Britain of 1935. In 1940, he was the best possible choice to lead the charge against Hitler.

Shakespeare put it succinctly: “Ripeness is all.”

Remember: the greatest idea at the wrong time is a loser. With real estate, it’s location, location, location. With ideas it’s timing, timing, timing.

— Is the timing right for your new idea?

— What if you waited for six months or a year?

— Would it have been better last year or the year before?

— What opportunities will you miss if you don’t do it now?

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