Card #75 – ”Listen to that Hunch”

Card #75 – ”Listen to that Hunch” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Reason is important in decision-making, but don’t ignore your gut.

As inventor Andrew Mercer put it,

“If I get an idea and it won’t go away then I have to do it.

“This takes a fair amount of self-trust, but I find that it works.”

Game designer Jill Worthy has similar sentiments:

“If I have three ideas and feel a great amount of passion for one of them, then that’s the one I’ll spend my time on.”

Where do hunches come from?

Your subconscious mind constantly records, connects, and stores unrelated knowledge, experiences, and feelings. Later, it combines this disparate information into answers — hunches — if you simply ask, trust, and listen.

These hunches, for no apparent logical reason, might lead you to trying a different problem-solving approach, going out on a blind date, betting on the underdog in a sporting event, taking a spontaneous vacation, or ignoring a trusted friend’s advice.

— What hunches have you had lately?

— Which ones did you listen to? Which ones were helpful? Which were wrong?

— What does your gut tell you now?

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