Card #23 – ”Let Your Mind Wander”

Card #23 – ”Let Your Mind Wander” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Some idea generating advice from the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

“Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind.”

Much of our thinking is associative: one idea makes us think of another. Use this ability to generate new ideas.

It’s as simple as 1-2-3!

1) Just look at something, and make associations. These associations can be based on a similar function, location, size, shape, sound, class, or whatever personal connection you care to make.

2) What do these associations make you think of?

3) Keep repeating step #2.

For example, what does “Work” make you think of?

It reminds me of “Play.”

And that makes me think of “Actor.”

Which takes me to “Star” — and then to “Sun” — “Light” — “Bulb” — “Tulips” — “Kiss” — “Love” — “Tennis” — “Net” — “Profit” — “Prophet” — “Oracle” — “Auricle” — to “Heart” — and finally to “Rhythm.”

Notice that if my association for “Light” had been “Traffic” instead of “Bulb,” then all of my subsequent associations undoubtedly would have been very different, perhaps: “Light” — “Traffic” — “Sales” — “Sails” — “Wind” — “Gasbag” — “Politician” — “Bribe” — “Sweetener” — and finally to “Honey.”

Who knows? Perhaps “Honey” might have been just the concept I needed!

Speaking of “sweet things,” here’s a sweet observation about daydreaming from writer Kurt Vonnegut:
“People don’t come to church for the preaching, of course, but to daydream about God.”

— What things does your problem make you think of?

— What does each of these remind you of?

— How can you use this cluster of associations to develop your idea?

— When can you take some time out for reverie?

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