Card #31 – ”Add A Constraint”

Card #31 – ”Add A Constraint” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Give yourself a tight constraint.

Strict limits stimulate us to look for more right answers.

If you’ve ever been asked to solve a challenging problem with a small budget or a tight deadline, you’ve probably found that you were more resourceful than had you been granted a ton of money and time.

As architect Frank Lloyd Wright told his students, “Limits are an artist’s best friend.”

That’s because they force us to think beyond conventional solutions and find answers we might not have otherwise discovered.

For example, skyscrapers weren’t created by people with cheap, unlimited land, but by innovators who wrestled with the problem,

“How do we create abundant office space on small pieces of expensive real estate?”

— What constraints can you add to your problem? What new solutions now become apparent?

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