Card #24 – ”Use What’s There” from the Creative Whack Pack
Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Nothing evades our attention so persistently as that which is right in front of us and we take for granted.
Example: if you study the evolution of the bicycle in the 1870s, you’ll notice that both wheels start out about the same size, but over time the front wheel got larger and the rear wheel smaller.
Why? The pedals were attached directly to the front wheel. Since there was no drivetrain on the bicycle, the only way to make it go faster was to enlarge the front wheel. The result of this trend was the unsafe “penny farthing” model with its huge front wheel.
Curiously, the solution for better bikes was right in front of bicycle designers. The bicycles themselves were manufactured using drivetrain technology. Finally, someone made the obvious connection and asked, “Why not use a drivetrain to power the rear wheel?” This safer model supplanted earlier models.
— What obvious resources are right in front of you?