Card #47 – ”Time For A Whack” from the Creative Whack Pack
Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

A creativity teacher and a student were discussing a problem.
Despite a lengthy conversation, the student wasn’t able to get the point the teacher was making.
Finally, the teacher picked up a stick and gave him a whack on the side of the head with it.
Suddenly, the student began to grasp the situation and “think something different.”
Moral: Sometimes, nothing short of a figurative “a whack on the the side of the head” can dislodge the assumptions that keep us thinking the same old stuff.
“Whacks” come in all shapes and sizes: problems, humor, failure, incongruities, paradoxes, and surprises all can jolt us — even temporarily — into “thinking something different.”
— What would whack your thinking?