Card #60 – ”Distrust Unanimity” from the Creative Whack Pack
Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Some years ago, an idea was proposed at a GM board meeting led by its legendary chairman, Alfred Sloan. Everyone was enthusiastic about it, so Sloan called for a vote, and the board gave its unanimous approval.
Sloan then said, “I also vote ‘Yes,’ and for that reason, I am going to table the motion until next month. We’re looking at this idea from only one perspective, and that is a dangerous way to make decisions.
I want you to spend the next month studying this proposal from different angles.” Sloan knew that when everyone thinks alike, no one is doing very much thinking.
At the next meeting, the idea was voted down because the members were able to generate alternative viewpoints.
As Mark Twain put it: “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
— Where can you “zag” while others are “zigging?”
— What contrary advice can you add?