Card #79 – ”Fight for It”

Card #79 – ”Fight for It” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Much of the world has its defenses up to keep out new ideas. Thus, you need to become a warrior and do what’s necessary to make your idea a reality.

What’s your objective? What is it that you want to accomplish? Can you state it simply in a sentence or two?

What’s your plan? How do you intend to get from here to there? What can you do today?

What skills will you have to learn?

How do you expect to deal with the obstacles in your path? Brute force? Finesse? Surprise? Diplomacy? Dogged persistence?

What are your resources? Who can help you? Who are your models?

Commit yourself to being successful. Consider the sacrifices you’ll need to make. Consider the consequences of failing.

Don’t be satisfied unless you’ve given it your best shot.

As Yoda the Jedi Warrior put it: “Try? There is no try. There is only do or not do.”

— What’s the most important thing worth fighting for in your issue?

— What puts a fire in your belly?

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