Card #59 – ”Conform”

Card #59 – ”Conform” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

When St. Augustine was a young priest in Milan, he went to his bishop, St. Ambrose, for help with the following problem.

It seemed that Augustine was going to spend the weekend in Rome. His problem was that in Rome it was customary to celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday, while in Milan it was celebrated on Saturday. Augustine was confused as to which was the right day.

Ambrose solved his problem by telling him: “When in Rome, do as the Romans.”

Conformity is a necessary part of our social existence. Without conformity, traffic would get tied up, production quotas would be missed, and the fabric of society would come apart.

Part of the price we pay for the benefits of our social existence is a piece of our own individuality. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of rituals we go through in which our behavior must conform to the people around us — everything from how we pronounce words so that we effectively communicate to driving on the proper side of the road to assure smooth traffic flow.

If you don’t conform, you run the risk of throwing a monkey wrench into the gears of society.

It’s the same with new ideas: if you’re too far out in left field you might be out of the ballpark. And your idea will have little chance of being implemented.

— To what standards should you be conforming?

— In what ways does your idea need to “fit in”?

— How does the adage “the best way to get along is to go along” apply to your situation?

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