Card #7 – ”See the Big Picture”

Card #7 – ”See the Big Picture” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

In the late 1860s, an Iowa farmer watched the construction of the transcontinental railroad near his fields. After seeing the track laid and a locomotive steam through, he thought,

“So that’s what railroading is all about: tracks and trains.”

What didn’t he see?

That he could get his products to more markets more quickly, and that once there they would have to compete against products from many more places.

That people could travel from coast to coast in less than a week.

That more ideas would be shared, and that different people would meet and get married.

He saw the steel and the wheels, but he didn’t see the consequences.

— What are the larger implications of your issue?

— How does it fit into the Big Picture?

— Using “broad brush strokes,” how would you describe your concept?

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