Card #97 – ”Be Persistent”

Card #97 – ”Be Persistent” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Two frogs fell into a bucket of cream. The first frog, seeing that there was no way to get any footing in the white fluid, accepted his fate and drowned.

The second frog didn’t like this approach. He thrashed about and did whatever he could to stay afloat. Soon his churning turned the cream into butter, and he was able to jump out.

Be prepared to strike quickly to reach your goal. However, also be prepared for a long campaign. As much as eighty percent of the creative process consists in doggedly plodding toward your objective.

You’re likely to get knocked down a few times. When that happens, get up. Everyone has setbacks.

A study of venture capitalists showed that the characteristic they look for most often when investing in an entrepreneur’s venture is the latter’s “ability to sustain an intense effort.”

Michelangelo had to endure four years lying on his back to paint the Sistine Chapel. Vladmir Lenin spent thirty years preparing for his revolution.

As Winston Churchill put it when asked to describe the most important lesson life had taught him, “Never give up, never give up, never ever give up.”

— How persistent are you?

— How will you maintain your resolve?

— Whom do you admire for their persistence? How can you emulate them?

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