Card #81 – ”Be Candid”

Card #81 – ”Be Candid” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

The proverbial elephant in the room!

It’s the obvious problem that people avoid addressing because doing so is uncomfortable.

For example, many families can’t resolve troubling situations because they find it unpleasant to bring up the “elephant” of a member’s alcohol, drug, or gambling addiction. Discussing this subject can be painful, but since the “elephant” is the root cause of the problems the family is facing, no progress can be made until it’s dealt with.

Candor is invaluable in these situations. As comedienne Joan Rivers put it: “I have succeeded by saying what everyone else is thinking.”

Critic Dorothy Parker had an even more aggressive approach: “The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.”

— Where can you be candid?

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