Card #94 – ”Don’t Let It Bother You” from the Creative Whack Pack
Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

In an early scene from David Lean’s film Lawrence of Arabia, Lawrence lights a fellow soldier’s cigarette and then nonchalantly watches the match burn all the way down as he holds it in his fingers.
The other soldier observes this, tries the same feat, but burns his hand and screams: “Ow, that hurts! What’s the trick?”
To which Lawrence responds: “Certainly it hurts. The trick is not minding that it hurts.”
Part of the trick of engaging in creative thinking is not minding the insults, silence, or criticism that can sometimes result, and simply appreciating they come with the territory.
As physicist Richard Feynman put it: “What do I care what other people think?”
— Where are you being too sensitive? How can you let those concerns go?