Card #63 – ”Think Again”

Card #63 – ”Think Again” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Suppose you are watching television with a few friends.

Someone walks into the room, trips over a chair, and knocks it down. The person picks up the chair and apologizes for the commotion he’s caused.

What is your impression of this person? Be honest. You probably think he’s a klutz, right?

Five minutes later, another person walks in, and she too knocks over the chair.

Ten minutes later, the whole scene is repeated again.

What is your opinion now? You have probably reassessed the situation, and realized the problem is not that you have clumsy friends, but rather that your chair is in the wrong place and should be moved.

It is always a good practice to think again when you receive new information.

— How easily do you change your opinions when you receive new information?

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