Card #86 – ”Something At Stake”

Card #86 – ”Something At Stake” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

A frozen-fish processor was having trouble get-ting repeat sales of its new line of frozen fish. The president looked into the matter and found that the customers didn’t reorder because the fish tasted “flat.”

He tried everything to keep the fish fresh including holding them in tanks until just before processing — but to no avail.

He’d just about run out of ideas when an expert on the natural history of fish happened by. The man offered one comment:

“Why don’t you put a predator in there with them? That should keep them fresh.”

The idea worked like a charm. The fish kept moving to avoid being consumed, and as a result, they retained their vitality. There was some loss but it was more than offset by a thriving market.

Moral: have something at stake — survival, self-esteem, money, reputation — so that you’ll be motivated to make your idea successful.

— What do you have at stake in your current situation?

— What would be the consequences of your failing?

— How does meeting this challenge invigorate you?

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