Card #58 – ”Beware of More” from the Creative Whack Pack
Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Suppose that you have a recipe for strawberry shortcake that serves four people.
One day you invite seven friends over to eat this dessert. To make it, you simply double the recipe’s proportions.
Another time, you make it only for yourself and a friend, and you halve the proportions.
Now suppose you host 50,000 people for strawberry shortcake. At this point, the biggest challenges confronting you have nothing to do with the recipe: buying strawberries on the commodities market, making deals with the Teamsters to deliver enough cream, traffic coordination, and large-scale renting of chairs and tables.
The same thing can occur when situations become larger: issues come up that weren’t even imagined in the original plans.
— What problems might “more” create for you in your current situation?