Card #9 – ”Change Viewpoints”

Card #9 – ”Change Viewpoints” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

The second assault
on the same problem should come from a totally different direction.

Many centuries ago, a curious but deadly plague struck a small village in eastern Europe. Its victims fell into a deep coma, and most died within a day, though occasionally a hardy soul would miraculously return to health.

The villagers had a difficult time telling if a victim was dead or alive, but since most of the victims were dead, this wasn’t a major problem.

Then one day it was discovered that someone had been buried alive. An alarmed town council convened a meeting.

After much debate, the majority voted to put food and water in every coffin. They would even put an air hole from the casket up to the earth’s surface. This would be expensive but it would save lives.

Another group proposed a cheaper solution: implant a stake in every coffin lid directly over the victim’s heart. When the lid was closed, all doubts about the victim’s condition would be laid to rest.

What differentiated the solutions were the questions used to find them. Whereas the first group asked, “What if we bury somebody alive?” the second group asked, “How can we make sure everyone we bury is dead?

— How can you change your viewpoint?

— What would the perspective of the following people highlight in your concept?

• A jazz drummer?

• A kindergarten teacher?

• A professional wrestler?

• A mime?

• A mystic?

• A graphic designer?

• A religious zealot?

• A crime scene investigator?

• An opera diva?

• A bomb de-fuser?

• A policeman?

• A homeless person?

• A trial attorney?

• A standup comedian?

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