Card #100 – ”Reward Yourself”

Card #100 – ”Reward Yourself” from the Creative Whack Pack

Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

How are your creative abilities working for you?

Staying curious and asking “why?” Seeking multiple right answers?

Looking at situations in reverse? Mocking pet ideas and eliminating obsolete ones?

Using play as a mental lubricant? Loathing arrogance in decision making?

Flexing your risk muscle? Having the courage to act on your ideas?

Has your creation brought a bit of happiness into the world?

Good job: give yourself a pat on the back!

What good things have you accomplished? What obstacles have you overcome?

Congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the back.

As the Indian philosopher Anish Chatterjee put it “You’re not done with the project until you’re done celebrating.”

When you’re finished, go out and earn another one.

— What have you done well lately?

— Where have you made progress?

— What rewards can you give yourself after you are successful with your issue?

— What rewards can you give to those who have helped you?

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