Card #78 – ”Lion in Your Heart” from the Creative Whack Pack
Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

A famous bullfighter:
“To fight a bull when you are not scared is nothing. And not to fight a bull when you are scared is nothing. But to fight a bull when you are scared — that is something.”
A new idea is different by nature — it’s off the beaten path — and it takes courage to risk failure or rejection.
How do you know that your brilliant insight isn’t going to lead you into a blind alley, make you look stupid, cost you money, or worse?
You don’t!
Thus, a crucial element of creative thinking is having the courage to take a risk.
As the philosopher Aristotle put it:
“Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.”
What are your sources of courage?
• Past success?
• Big potential payoff?
• Faith in the idea?
• Encouragement from others?
• Having a “Plan B”?
• Having no alternatives?
• Belief in yourself?
— What puts a lion in your heart?
— What helps you fight through your doubts?
— What’s the last courageous thing you’ve done?