Card #69 – ”Sense What’s Next” from the Creative Whack Pack
Available on the iOS App Store and as a physical deck of cards

Heraclitus said “Everything flows” — all things change.
Fractal geometrican Benoit Mandelbrot decided to study how things “flow” and found two main patterns.
First, he found persistence, that is, things tend to be the way they have been recently. If a place has been experiencing drought, it is likely there will be more of the same. Healthy people tend to stay healthy. Winning teams tend to keep winning.
On the other hand, he also found discontinuity.When something changes, it can change abruptly. After years of drought, an area can experience severe flooding. A stable mountain of snow can suddenly unleash an avalanche. A stock long valued at $40 can quickly fall to $5 without ever being priced at $20. Trends are real, but they can vanish as quickly as they come.
— What patterns describe your current situation: persistence or discontinuity?
— What is right around the corner: “more of the same” or something significantly different?